vortex (vor' teks) n.
1. A spiral motion of fluid within a limited area.
2. A place or situation regarded as drawing into its center all that surrounds it.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Euros For Nothing, Greek Islands for Free

Maybe Europe Should Outlaw Weekends Altogether
The G7 is meetings, and the blurbs are coming out, slowly.  Highlights isn't really the right word, but...
Reuters:  Marseille lays bare G7 differences and lack of policy room
Guardian:  Greece on verge of default as doubt grows over €8bn bailout

Of course, BHO is golfing, so it cannot be all that bad.
Soon, we will be able to afford to travel to Europe again (at least southern Europe).

I doubt this is what The Vapors meant by "Turning Japanese."

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