vortex (vor' teks) n.
1. A spiral motion of fluid within a limited area.
2. A place or situation regarded as drawing into its center all that surrounds it.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Drumbeat Against the Euro Banging Loudly

The populist popular press is out early today
FT:  The worst of the euro crisis is yet to come
Reuters: Euro bond would get member's weakest rating (S&P)

Of course, bloggers/FX advisory sites are out, en masse
FX Daily:  EURUSD: Hold short as selling accelerates
Zero Hedge:  Merkel Loses Big, See Ya (ok, so i summarize)

3-day weekends have not been good for global equity markets (Federal Reserve Bank announced emergency liquidity measures, Soc Gen, October 1987, all occurred on a Tuesday following a long weekend).

S&P Futures down only 5, gold up (of course).  Just a bunch of screen jockeys playing poker with each other, and some irrelevant babble about a lower Aussie Dollar can be ignored for now.  We will see when Europe opens.  More as it comes in. 

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